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Teaching English in China

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English (ESL) Powerpoint (PPT) Story Collection
英语 (ESL) 故事 PPT 集

English ESL TEFL Story Lesson Powerpoint PPT Downloader Folder

Reading is an important part of learning English.
We have put together a collection of stories that we use in our ESL classes.
Each story will have an introduction of pre-teaching vocabulary needed for
the story, the main story and comprehension questions related to the story.
The powerpoints are easily adaptable to different grades.


阅读在学习英语中很重要。这是我们在ESL课程中使用的故事集。每个故事都有一个关于教学前词汇的介绍,一个主要的故事,以及关于这个故事的综合问题。 PPT可以很容易地适应不同的等级。429w

*click on the picture to download the ppt
(Google Drive need VPN in China)
*click on the PPT icon to download
(Do not need VPN. Baidu Password = 429w)

*点击图片下载PPT(需要VPN 429w
*点击PPT图标下载 (不需要VPN)

hungry caterpillar ESL powerpoint ppt story
three little pigs ESL powerpoint ppt story
goldilocks three bears ESL powerpoint ppt story
green eggs and ham ESL powerpoint ppt story
little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story
alligator under my bed ESL powerpoint ppt story
three billy goats gruff ESL powerpoint ppt story
boy who cried wolf ESL powerpoint ppt story
tige ESL powerpoint ppt story who came to tea
the gruffalo ESL powerpoint ppt story
little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story
Is This Your Mother Story.jpg

Create Your Own Adventure Story
English (ESL) Powerpoint (PPT) Story Collection

English ESL TEFL Story Lesson Powerpoint PPT Downloader Folder

Reading is an important part of learning English. however story classes can sometimes be predictable and not so interactive.
Why don't you try a 'create your own adventure' reading lesson.
These stories allow the students to reading and make choices as to what will happen next in the narrative.

*click on the picture to download the ppt
(do not need VPN)

*click on the PPT icon to download
(Google Drive need VPN in China)


little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story
little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story
little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story
little match girl ESL powerpoint ppt story

NOTE: These PPTs have been part created by TeamTeacher and also sourced from a variety of teaching websites including:, and ppts include links to accredited Youtube videos and songs to use in the class. We hope these ppts will raise the standard of teaching and learning in China.
These stories are for education purposes only and are not for sale.

所有的ppt课程都跟随深圳小学课本和课程。每个ppt课程的基本结钩遵循三部分: 掩饰, 练习 和制作过程。每一个课包括YouTube视频和歌曲的链接。

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