Teaching English in China

Halloween English Class 万圣节英语课
Halloween is an important western holiday that is on the 31st of October every year and it is celebrated in most English speaking countries.
In this PowerPoint lesson, we look at some spooky Halloween traditions using informative engaging slides, games and videos for students to truly understand Halloween.
万圣节是一个非常重要的西方节日. 这个节日每年都在西方国家每年10月31日举行。许多西方国家将为此庆祝。
How to Download/如何下载:
With VPN (需要VPN) from Google Drive:
--> Click on the red "Download" button/单击红色的“下载”按钮
--> Click on each of the picture below/点击每张图片
NOTE: These PPTs have been part created by TeamTeacher and also sourced from a variety of teaching websites including: https://en.islcollective.com/, http://www.waygook.org/ and http://www.eslprintables.com/.The PPTs include links to accredited YouTube videos and songs to use in the class. We hope these PPTs will raise the standard of teaching and learning in China.
所有的PPT课程都跟随深圳小学课本和课程。每个PPT课程的基本结钩遵循三部分: 掩饰, 练习 和制作过程。每一个课包括YouTube视频和歌曲的链接。